Tag Archives: Gyrotonic

Proof of Concept: Birth of the Orgasm Mistress

Brentwood Housewife in Her 50s perks up and asks me what exactly it is I do. I tell her I do lots of things: Bodywork, pelvic floor work, scar tissue remediation, craniosacral work. She nods, glazing over. My Gyro instructor reminds her with some slight exasperation that she’s given her my name more than once. I discreetly wink at my instructor and seize the moment. I jump in - “And I’m also an Orgasm Mistress…”

Biomechanics & Embodied Autonomy

Biomechanics & Body Autonomy
Biomechanical stress results from competing strategies to oppose gravity’s pull on our body. If we give in to gravity’s temptation by curling forward, to stay upright we then must compensate by arching our spine backward. This drama plays out along the whole length of the spine – weaving into muscles, connective tissue, and nerves, and distorting our spinal alignment over time. Proper biomechanics means having sufficient flexibility to be comfortable with the movement of weight through our bones. Graceful posture and ease of alignment result from a finely tuned balance between strength, flexibility, and weight distribution.