Tag Archives: lymph

Breath & Whole Body Health

Trauma literature is replete with ways to use the breath to either come into presence or to retreat from it; breath is our silent partner in nervous system regulation. By breathing deeply and slowly, we slow our nervous system, dipping into a healthy parasympathetic state of rest and digest. When we’re too up-regulated, we breathe shallow rabbit-y breaths up around our collarbones. Traps tighten, shoulder blades reach for the stars, and our necks kink forward. This has neurological consequences, as the very nerve that feeds a range of motion to our diaphragm gets squeezed into oblivion between tight neck muscles.

Biochemistry & Embodied Autonomy

Biochemistry & Body Autonomy
All these systems add up to the totality of us, and our body is one nation, ruled by the quality of our blood. Every one of our cells is bathed in it. It’s basically a question of plumbing – when fluid flow is plugged at either end, cells suffer, and health suffers.